Underneath the arches
Tucked away, by the river, underneath the galleries and concert halls is a pocket of graffiti lined concrete structures. A home for skateboarders to play and a place that draws me in.
September 2019
This skateboarder spent time perfecting his jump, until he nailed it, just right, catching his board and walking away.
Meanwhile, the ramps were busy as tricks were practised. The soft autumn light reflected underneath the arches as the skateboarders did their thing.
Easter 2018
Back with my Zeiss Otus 55mm prime. Can I catch the action whilst manually focusing. Shooting wide open, and anticipating the moves was a log of fun.
March 2018
I have been meaning to take pictures here for ages, and finally did, with my baby Leica. I will be back with the big camera.

Ed Pike